TechDom ©
Expert system for building energy and technologies modeling and assessment [Techdom ©]
Development of integrated system based on physical and mathematical models of energy processes in buildings as a set of constructive 3D‐elements with appropriate physical parameters and colourvisualization for evaluation of real effects of technologies for energy‐efficient buildings. Systems based on those models can serve as home energy controlling hubs that will collect real‐time data on energy consumption data from smart household appliances and enable intelligent automation.
In many countries commercial buildings consume about 50 percent of their electricity demand, creating an incentive for utilities to encourage energy management technology and practices in those buildings. Therefore utilities should make technology investments that support business strategies and goals in energy efficiency, demand response, and renewable energy. Smart technology decisions must not only satisfy regulatory requirements but provide value to the business in the form of innovation, growth, or competitive advantage. This includes a wide range of products electricity utilities use to monitor and manage their grid infrastructure in a smart way, and an array of devices and control systems that permit commercial and residential customers to optimize energy usage.
Proposed project will contribute as well to the Energy‐Efficient Buildings Initiative by developing management and control system, and decision‐support system addressing the dynamics of energy supply and demand in neighbourhoodsand extended urban/rural communities. This system will develop for optimizing usage of energy beyond the buildings, and they include the integration of renewable energy sources and the connection to the electricity distribution grid in order to take advantage of variable tariffs and diversity of supply.
The Techdom Smart Energy Management System makes possible to measure, monitor and manage the local energy demand though intelligent control of energy consuming devices as well as distributed energy generating and storage installations. By collecting, aggregating and analyzing real‐time or near real‐time data from the devices, the system provides demand and generation forecasts and decision support. Based on individual contracts with the consumer/prosumer, determining flexibility load and control, a more reliable customer demand is achieved and enforced through intensive grid monitoring and automation.

- The Decision Support Dashboard offers energy consumption and generation information (current and historical conditions) to Distribution System Operators (DSO) and Aggregators. Based on the information, the operator can decide on requesting load‐shifting actions in critical parts of the power grid to prevent overloads. Upon receiving a request, the Aggregator uses the dashboard to estimate the possibilities of shifting load based on the grid structure and the contracts with households.
- One of the key enablers of a smart grid is the engagement and flexibility of the consumer. To create awareness of own energy consumption and motivate change in energy behavior, the Techdom consumer solution enables the costumer to follow the historical and current energy consumption of the households and selected devices and compare it with other households.